Ariel Marrero

Ariel is a 12 yr old girl who is basically a medical mystery.She has seen countless doctors who are still trying to figure out what's wrong with her.She has been losing cognitive function and at the age of 12 comprehends like a 5 yr old.We still don't know why,but we are hoping to figure things out soon.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Hello friends,Sorry it's been so long between blogs.I have been mainly updating on Daniel's site about what's going on with Ariel,but I figure I should keep with her own site.Things have been busy and hectic.We went to Disneyland in May and had a great time.We spent 5 days there and 1 at Sea world.I didn't feel like we had enough time at Sea World though.We have been doing lots of outings with Starlight in Oregon and it's been a lot of fun.We've been to the zoo,The Beavers Game,had lunch with Astronauts and went to the circus.They really spoil us and it's been great.

Ariel healthwise has still been having lots of issues between Tenosynovitis,numerous sprains and breaks on her wrists,IBS and Epilepsy not to mention her cognitive impairment things have been tough.She's been sick with the flu bug for 5 weeks poor thing,but does seem to be doing better.Well I need to get Nick off to work.God bless,Linn


  • At 6:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thinking of you Ariel :)

    Love, Sherri & Kara


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